Maxx Model Hop-up Chamber- True Centering Unit (TCU)
The True Centering Unit (TCU) is Designed for the Maxx Model specifically to prevent the hop-up unit from rotating from side to side. This is caused by the manufacturing tolerances of the hop-up installed into the outer barrel. Additionally, the movements of the magazine while shooting may cause the hop-up unit to sway further causing major inconsistencies to your BB trajectory.
Once the TCU is fitted, the Maxx chamber will be tightly fitted in place and sitting on the true center position to prevent BBs from swerving at a tangent.
Testing the Axial Vibrations
The movement between the hop-up unit and outer barrel are commonly found in airsoft guns. How much of a gap depends on the brand of the gun you have. If this is not addressed, the sides and top of the chamber will have too much play.
The movement will cause the lack of consistency and predictability of your BBs trajectory across the distances fired.
Movement Caused by the Magazine
loose magazines that could twist the hop-up and inner barrel from aiming at the center. This is further caused upon firing on a semi or full auto when the BBs move up the chamber for loading.
The vibration could cause the hop to sway from side to side causing inconsistencies in your shots.
Introducing the TCU to Lock-down
Once the TCU is installed the hop-up is then locked at the center position of the rifle. There will be no more movements that may cause the chamber to tilt on its axis.
As a result the consistency and accuracy of the shots over longer distance will be vastly improvement. Since the factor of unpredictability is removed, you can easily calibrate your hop-up easily for what is required.
Tight & Snug Fit
Once the TCU is installed onto the hop-up chamber, the whole unit can then be placed back into the gun. The part will not interfere with the operations of the outer barrel or dust cover.
Enhanced Gearbox Seal with increased FPS
As the hop-up axial movements are eliminated after the TCU is installed, the tightness of the system will be improved after. The between the hop-up chamber and Gearbox will be further improve for better air seal, resulting in a stable FPS output from the piston.
Ultra-Tough Polycarbonate
The TCU is manufactured through plastic injection molding using polycarbonate as the material which is lightweight and tough against the stresses while installed into the hop-up chamber.
Gain the Competitive Edge
The power upgrades to shoot BBs further is important, however without the accuracy would not be effective. It is the little things that can fill the gap and make a huge difference.
With the TCU this is an example of how much performance can be achieved.
Tech Work For Successful Install
There are some instances where the True Centering Unit TCU is a little too tight to fit the outer barrel. We recommend to remove the outer barrel from the gun to test first. If its too tight, lightly sand each side of the TCU incrementally until you achieve a snug fit.
Tech Tip
In general, anything that moves in the rifle especially in the hop-up/ inner barrel should be strictly locked down to eliminate the factors that could affect the consistencies of the shots fired.
The True Centering Unit (TCU) is Compatible with the following Maxx Model Chambers fully tested

How difficult is it to install the TCU unit?
It's that difficult, but it may take some time to fine tune for a perfect snug fit. The Once you fit TCU onto the Maxx Hop-up chamber, the width may be too wide to fit back into the outer barrel slot. If that's the case, take your outer barrel out and lightly sand the both side of the TCU incrementally until it fits perfect and snug.
Does it work on all Maxx Hop-up Chambers?
See above the models in which it is designed for and fits nicely. The TCU will not fit the newer versions M4A, M4P, M4i, and M4W. We have a TCU for those versions launching in March 2024.
Will it really increase my accuracy?
To a good extent, yes. Anything that moves or wobbles in your should be locked-down to eliminate any inconsistencies.
I'm stuck and don't know what to do. Can you help me?
Definitely! First check out our step by step installation video above to see how install it onto the Hop-up Chamber. Any other issues you have, pop us an email and our tech team will be happy to assist you!